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  • : Tout Juif qui se respecte, religieux ou séculier, ne peut plus garder le silence, voir pire, soutenir le régime sioniste, et ses crimes de génocide perpétrés contre le peuple palestinien...La secte sioniste est à l’opposé du Judaïsme. .................... Mensonge, désinformation, agression, violence et désobéissance de la loi internationale sont aujourd’hui les principales caractéristiques du sionisme israélien en Palestine.
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Israèl est contre TORAH

*"Les sionistes me dégoûtent autant que les nazis."
(Victor Klemperer, philologue allemand d'origine juive, 1881-1960)








L’initiative sioniste de proclamer l’État d’Israël constitue une révolte contre la volonté divine, contre la Torah, une révolte qui a engendré une vague interminable de violence et de souffrance. À l’occasion de la fondation de l’État hérétique, les juifs fidèles à la Torah pleurent cette tentative d’extirper les enseignements de la Torah, de transformer les juifs en une « nation laïque » et de réduire le judaïsme au nationalisme.......Nous déplorons les tragédies que la révolution sioniste a provoquées chez les Palestiniens, notamment des déportations, l’oppression et la subjugation..Que nous méritions que cette année toutes les nations, en acceptant la souverainet

é divine, puissent se réjouir dans une Palestine libre et dans une Jérusalem libre! Amen. Offert par Netouré Karta International : www.nkusa.orglink




Ecrivez nous au ; noesam@voila.fr
visitez    http://www.planetenonviolence.org/link




La prétendue ascendance juive d'Hitler: Une "explication" par la haine de soi
Une publication parue cette semaine a attiré mon attention. Il s’agit ni plus ni moins de la généalogie d’Adolf Hitler qui aurait des ascendants juifs !! Dans son article, Gilles Bonafi présente une fiche des Renseignements généraux que le magazine Sciences et Avenir a publié en mars 2009, et où on peut clairement lire le deuxième prénom d’Hitler : Jacob. Adolf Jacob Hitler serait le petit-fils de Salomon Mayer Rothschild. Cette information a été divulguée par deux sources de très haut niveau : Hansjurgen Koehler officier d’Heydrich, qui était lui-même l’adjoint direct d’Heinrich Himmler et Walter Langer le psychiatre qui a réalisé le profil psychologique d’Hitler pour l’OSS, les services secrets US pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
SOURCE ;alterinfo


12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 18:00
good morning
Last update - 09:54 16/01/2006
IAEA chief: Conclusions on Iran's nuclear program to echo worldwide
By Yossi Melman and Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz Correspondents and Reuters

The head of the UN nuclear watchdog agency is preparing to tell the world he cannot yet confirm the peaceful nature of Iran's atomic program, according to an interview released on Sunday.

Mohamed ElBaradei, who won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize along with his International Atomic Energy Agency, said Tehran "might not seem to care, but if I say that I am not able to confirm the peaceful nature of that program after three years of intensive work, well, that's a conclusion that's going to reverberate ... around the world."

In the interview with Newsweek magazine, ElBaradei said Iran knows what it must do to satisfy his concerns and he will not extend the deadline for his next report on the nuclear program beyond a March 6 deadline.

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"For the last three years we have been doing intensive verification in Iran and even after three years, I am not yet in a position to make a judgment on the peaceful nature of the program," he said.

"We still need to assure ourselves through access to documents, individuals and locations that we have seen all that we ought to see and that there is nothing fishy, if you like, about the program," he added.

Asked if Iran was buying time to build a bomb, ElBaradei replied: "That's why I said we are coming to the litmus test in the next few weeks."

ElBaradei said he does not exclude the possibility that Iran may have another more secret nuclear weapons program that is separate from the activities the IAEA knows about.

"And if they have the nuclear material and they have a parallel weaponization program along the way, they are really not very far - a few months - from a weapon," he said.

Iranian FM warns of oil crisis
Iranian Finance Minister Davood Danesh Jafari said on an Iranian radio station Sunday that any Western sanction placed on Iran in response to its nuclear development program could raise global oil prices.

Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said Saturday that Iran will consider using its control over oil prices as retalliation for potential sanctions on Iran.

Ahmadinejad said Saturday that he will not yield to international pressure to back down from its resumption of controversial nuclear research as calls increase from the West to defer the issue to the United Nations Security Council.

The council can levy sanctions on Iran. The five permanent members of the council, who hold veto power in the international body - the United States, England, France, China and Russia - plan to meet in London on Monday to discuss the matter.

On the diplomatic front, attempts are being made to assemble a majority in the International Atomic Energy Agancy (IAEA) to send the issue to the Security Council. The United States, Germany and England said over the weekend that the diplomatic route with Tehran has reached a dead end, while Russia's and China's positions are unclear. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan expressed over the weekend that he still has faith in diplomatic dialogue with Tehran.

In a press conference on Friday, Annan said that he had spoken to the Iranian representative in the IAEA in Vienna, Ali Laridziani, who said "Iran is interested in serious and constructive negotiations, but without time constraints."

Ambassadors from both the United States and the EU slammed Annan's spin on the Iranian response. They said that in light of the general international consensus that the Western diplomatic contact with Iran has reached its limit, the matter should be deferred to the Security Council.

Merkel to push Putin on Iran
German Chancellor Angela Merkel heads to Moscow on Monday where she hopes to persuade President Vladimir Putin to join the EU and United States in ratcheting up diplomatic pressure on Iran, German officials said.

On her first visit to the Russian capital since taking over from Putin's close friend Gerhard Schroeder, Merkel will meet with Putin for about two hours to discuss Iran, energy ties, the situation in Chechnya and other issues, the officials said.

"The Iran issue will be in the foreground of the visit," a German government told reporters on condition of anonymity.

Merkel, who just returned from her first official trip to Washington, agreed with U.S. President George W. Bush on Friday that it was time to refer Iran to the UN Security Council over its refusal to abandon uranium enrichment technology that could enable it to get atomic weapons, the officials said.

"In Washington the hope was expressed that there could be common approach by the EU, USA and Russia," one official said.

The officials said Russia has also expressed displeasure at Iran's rejection of Moscow's proposal to set up a joint venture inside Russia that would enable Tehran to produce nuclear fuel for what it says is an atomic energy programme that is exclusively peaceful in nature.

Germany is the world's top exporter of goods to Iran and would have much to lose if Tehran faced sanctions. It exported 4 billion euros of goods to Iran last year.

Russia also has significant business interests there and fears sending Iran to the Security Council could escalate Tehran's standoff with West into an international crisis. Among other projects, Moscow is building a e1 billion nuclear power plant at Bushehr in Iran and hopes to build more.

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:59
Envoyé : 16/01/2006 20:32


Les crimes arbitraires sont monnaie courante en territoires occupés. Il y a également un racisme féroce a l’égard des arabes. Les propos tenus sont effrayant et choque même le raciste ordinaire.Donc le crime est banalisé.L’occupation est un facteur aggravant et ajoute a la discrimination raciale.Tel est le quotidien des palestiniens.Le dire ce n’est pas être anti-sémite,c’est être en accord avec sa conscience. 

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Hebron disengagement and violence begin
Press Release, ISM/Tel Rumeida Project, 13 January 2006

A group of settler girls in Hebron (Mamoun Wazwaz/MaanNews Network)

TEL RUMEIDA, HEBRON -- A mob of 30 female settler teenagers rampaged through Tel Rumeida on Thursday, 12 January. Ten of them wore black ski masks to hide their identities, and attacked everyone they encountered, including IDF soldiers and Israeli police officers, with spit, paint bombs and insults, and surrounded a human rights worker, violently stealing the battery of his camera.

Six male settlers have begun attempts to illegally occupy an empty Palestinian home located on the path near a Palestinian girls' school. Settlers entered the home on Tuesday, 10 January, cleaned out two rooms and broke a hole in a wall to access other rooms. Police were called and made the settlers leave but they have returned periodically to continue their preparations to occupy the house. Palestinian girls are already routinely stoned and harassed on their way to the school located near this home. The attacks will only increase if they had to pass directly in front of a settler-occupied home.

Human rights workers who live in Tel Rumeida witnessed the arrival of approximately 60 settlers on Wednesday, 11 January. These settlers were the first to respond to a call by Hebron's settlers for Israelis "to flock to Hebron" to resist the planned disengagement of the illegally-occupied Palestinian wholesale market in Hebron's Old City. Settlers arrived with belongings meant for a long stay in response to the call sent out by email to "bring sleeping bags, warm clothing for an extended stay and a strong spirit."

Brian, a human rights worker living in Tel Rumeida, said "It is a very dangerous situation. Many of the settlers who live here are members of Kahane, an organization which Israel has declared racist and illegal. We see their violent hatred on a daily basis. We call on the international and Israeli community to pressure the police and IDF to enforce the law against violent settlers immediately; stop them, arrest them and prosecute them."

Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz stated that the removal of the settlers from the wholesale market will be completed by the 15 February. Settlers were ordered to leave the Palestinian-owned shops by 15 January, or face forcible eviction. Settlers have already clashed violently with police and the IDF when eviction orders were issued on 3 January, injuring four police officers, including a policeman who was hurt by a liquid that burned his eyes. Violent resistance from the settlers between these dates is expected and could be worse than the Gaza pullout due to Hebron's religious significance to settlers. This is a threat to both Palestinian residents and IDF soldiers in the area.


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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:58
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"the term "terrorism" means an activty that (i) involves a violent act or an act dangerous to human life, property, or infrastructure; and (ii) appears to be intended (A) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (B) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (C) toaffect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assasination, kidnapping, or hostage-taking." Executive Order on Terrorist Financing,George W. Bush, President, United States, September 2001 <SPACER type="block" width="1" height="64">


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<CSOBJ w="309" h="20" t="URLPopup" data='{ 0 = { label = "ISRAELI STATE TERRORISM QUICK NAVIGATION"; selected = "YES"; }; 1 = { label = "Matrix of Terror (Israeli Apartheid with Maps)"; url = "matrixofterror.html"; }; 2 = { label = "Civilian Killings and Massacres"; url = "israelimassacres.html"; }; 3 = { label = "Let Them Bleed"; url = "medicalrelief.html"; }; 4 = { label = "Settler War Criminals"; url = "israelisettlers.html"; }; 5 = { label = "Torture"; url = "Israelitorture.html"; }; 6 = { label = "Killing and Beating Children"; url = "children.html"; }; 7 = { label = "Bulldozing Homes"; url = "israelibulldozing.html"; }; 8 = { label = "Stealing the Water Supply"; url = "water.html"; }; 9 = { label = "Israeli Disinformation and Censorship"; url = "disinformation.html"; }; 10 = { label = "To the Hague: The Atrocities Continue"; url = "atrocities.html"; }; 11 = { label = "The Myth of the Israeli \"Democracy\""; url = "democracymyth.html"; }; 12 = { label = "DIVEST!!!"; url = "http://www.divest-from-israel-campaign.org"; }; }' target="_top"> <FORM name=cs_form_name_0 methode="POST"><SELECT onchange="CSURLPopupShow(/*CMP*/'cs_form_name_0', /*CMP*/'cs_popup_name_0', '_top');" name=cs_popup_name_0> <OPTION value=# selected>ISRAELI STATE TERRORISM QUICK NAVIGATION</OPTION> <OPTION value=matrixofterror.html>Matrix of Terror (Israeli Apartheid with Maps)</OPTION> <OPTION value=israelimassacres.html>Civilian Killings and Massacres</OPTION> <OPTION value=medicalrelief.html>Let Them Bleed</OPTION> <OPTION value=israelisettlers.html>Settler War Criminals</OPTION> <OPTION value=Israelitorture.html>Torture</OPTION> <OPTION value=children.html>Killing and Beating Children</OPTION> <OPTION value=israelibulldozing.html>Bulldozing Homes</OPTION> <OPTION value=water.html>Stealing the Water Supply</OPTION> <OPTION value=disinformation.html>Israeli Disinformation and Censorship</OPTION> <OPTION value=atrocities.html>To the Hague: The Atrocities Continue</OPTION> <OPTION value=democracymyth.html>The Myth of the Israeli "Democracy"</OPTION> <OPTION value=http://www.divest-from-israel-campaign.org>DIVEST!!!</OPTION></SELECT> </FORM></CSOBJ>
<SPACER type="block" width="357" height="1"> <SPACER type="block" width="1" height="1">
<SPACER type="block" width="205" height="2"> Matrix of Israeli State Terrorism in the Palestinian Occupied Territories in the Middle East <SPACER type="block" width="8" height="194"> <SPACER type="block" width="1" height="2">
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<SPACER type="block" width="19" height="192"> BACKGROUND: The Palestinian "occupied territories" have
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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:57

US Neocons Accuse Chavez of Anti-Semitism

By Jim Lobe

Inter Press Service

16 January 2006


Despite objections by major Jewish organizations in Venezuela and the United States, some influential U.S.

neoconservatives are charging President Hugo Chavez with anti-Semitism, which they say is consistent with the country's friendly relations with Iran.

In what appears to be a new line of attack against the populist leader, two of the White House's favorite publications this week ran articles denouncing remarks made by Chavez in a televised address to the nation Christmas Eve as anti-Semitic.

Quoting Chavez as declaring that "minorities, the descendants of those who crucified Christ, have taken over the riches of the world," the Wall Street Journal's "Americas" columnist, Mary Anastasia O'Grady, charged that his words constituted an "ugly anti-Semitic swipe that was of a piece with an insidious assault over the past several years on the country's Jewish community."

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:55

Human Rights Abuses Affecting Trafficked Women in Isreal's Sex Industry

Although official statistics are not available, it is widely believed that in the past few years thousands of women, including some girls, from FSU countries have been trafficked to Israel to work in the sex industry. Under Israeli laws, virtually all these women are illegal aliens. They are in Israel without work permits or with false documents, which makes them particularly vulnerable to human rights abuses at the hands of traffickers, pimps and others involved in Israel's sex industry. Amnesty International has received many reports of trafficked women being subjected to various human rights abuses, such as enslavement and other restrictions on their liberty, as well as torture, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse.

Enslavement and deprivation of liberty

Amnesty International has received information indicating that in many instances women trafficked from FSU countries are literally bought and sold for large sums of money, often in auctions where they are purchased by the highest bidder. Some are held in debt bondage where they are forced to work to pay off large sums of money. Some women are kidnapped against their will in FSU countires or are lured to Israel under false pretences, and brought to work in the sex industry. Their "owners" restrict their movements in order to prevent them from leaving. There are many reports of women being imprisoned by their "owners" in locked houses and apartments and prevented from going out unaccompanied. There are also frequent reports of trafficked women's passports and other travel documents being taken away by their "owners" in order to prevent them from leaving the country. In some cases, the misappropriation by "owners" of the women's means of identification is also used to force them into the sex industry.

Violence against trafficked women

Women trafficked to Israel are frequently either threatened with or subjected to violence, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse, particularly if they refuse to have sex with customers or try to escape. There are reports of women being forced to have sex against their will with large numbers of men each day. Traffickers and others working in the sex industry sometimes issue threats against the lives and persons of trafficked women and their families, if they should leave the country and return to their countries of residence, or if they should provide intelligence to law enforcement agencies or testify in criminal prosecutions.


In the course of its visit to Israel in April and May 1999, an Amnesty International delegation visited Neve Tirza Prison and interviewed several women, including four who were being held in connection with their involvement in the sex industry and were awaiting deportation to FSU countries. As the following cases show, the response of the authorities has frequently compounded the problem by treating trafficked women who are subjected to human rights abuses as criminals and illegal aliens, rather than as victims of these abuses.

All names have been changed to protect the identities of the women involved.

Anna's story
    ''I don't know the outcome of the trial. I only know that Arthur [the pimp] is at liberty. I talked to him on the phone. When the police arrested us they did not allow us to take our things with us, so they are still there. Arthur knows my address in St Petersburg and my telephone number because he kept my passport. I have a small daughter, eight years old there. He threatened that he would find me in Russia, at home, if I did not do what he wanted me to.''

Anna, a 31-year-old physics teacher from St Petersburg in the Russian Federation arrived in Israel on a tourist visa in October 1998. She had been lured to Israel by the promise of a job earning US$1,000 a month, 20 times her salary in the Russian Federation. The Israeli national who had offered her the job made it clear that she would be involved in the sex industry, but promised her good working conditions. She was completely unprepared for the treatment that awaited her.

Anna was met at the airport and taken to an apartment. Her passport was taken from her and she was locked in the apartment with six other women from FSU countries. She was auctioned twice. On the second occasion she was bought for US$10,000 and taken to work in Haifa, where she was held together with two other women. The apartment in which she was held had bars on the windows. The women were rarely allowed to leave the apartment and never allowed out alone. Much of the money that they earned was taken from them in ''fines'', money extorted from them by their pimps.

In March 1999 Anna was arrested for involvement in prostitution after a police raid on the apartment where she was being held. In court the police alleged that Anna had signed statements admitting to involvement in prostitution -- but all the documents were in Hebrew, a language Anna neither reads nor writes. She later discovered that she had been accused of running a brothel.

Anna was held at the Kishon detention centre for almost a month awaiting deportation. During that time she was not allowed to talk to the Russian Consul. The reason for her detention was apparently that the authorities wanted her to testify against the pimp. But the authorities never told Anna this or asked for her consent to act as a witness.

Tatiana's story

Tatiana arrived in Israel from Belarus in April 1998 on a tourist visa. She had been promised a job working 12 hours a day as a cleaner in a hotel in the resort of Eilat. She was told the job would pay her enough to support her mother and her six-year-old son.

Tatiana was met in Eilat by a man pretending to be from the hotel where she was to be employed. He took her to a brothel, where she was forced to work in the sex industry against her will and told that she would have to repay her ''sale price'' and the travel costs.

Tatiana made various plans to escape. She was finally released from the brothel after a police raid -- a friend of hers had contacted the Belarus Consulate who contacted the police. Tatiana was taken into custody as an illegal immigrant and detained in Neve Tirza Prison awaiting deportation.

Three days after her arrest, Tatiana found an anonymous note on her prison bunk threatening to kill her and punish her family if she spoke out about what had happened to her. Tatiana wanted to testify against her captors in Eilat, but she was terrified that if she did so and was returned to Belarus the traffickers would meet her at the airport or come to her home, since they knew all her passport details and the address of her family.

A petition was made to the Chief of Police explaining that if Tatiana had no protection it would be unreasonably dangerous for her to testify in court. He replied that the Israel Police could not guarantee anyone's safety outside Israel and offered only ''minimal protection'' for Tatiana. She testified in June 1999 and was deported later that same month. Despite her request that she be flown to Poland or Lithuania and then allowed to cross into Belarus by car, the Israeli authorities deported her directly to Belarus. She was reportedly met by a male relative and taken to an unknown location. Tatiana's fate after that is unknown.

Valentina's story

"I had a nervous break-down. I wanted to escape from this place and asked a client to help me. He turned out to be one of them and I was beaten up by the owners. There was nowhere to run -- there were bars on the windows and bodyguards all the time, day and night."

Valentina, a 27-year-old psychologist and a social worker, arrived in Israel in August 1998 from Moldova. She believed she was going to work as a company representative. Her travel and visa were arranged by the Israeli national who had offered her the job.

Valentina was met at the airport and taken to a hotel. The following day her money, passport and return ticket were taken from her and she was taken to an apartment where she was held for two months.
    ''The conditions were terrible. One girl was kept to work in the basement for eight months. It was damp there and she got tuberculosis as a result. Most of the girls had different diseases -- venereal and others related to their reproductive organs. I do not wish even to my enemies to go through what we went through."

Valentina eventually succeeded in escaping with another woman by jumping from the first floor of an apartment building. The women returned to the brothel in order to help another friend to escape and were caught up in a police raid on the apartment. Valentina was arrested in March 1999 for not having proper documents or a visa. Although she was pleased that the police had raided the brothel, she was afraid to testify against the man who sold her to the brothel owners because he knew the whereabouts of her family in Ukraine. The Ukrainian Consul visited her only once following her arrest. Valentina did not know how long the Israeli authorities intended to hold her or when she would be allowed to go home.
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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:54
Envoyé : 21/01/2006 21:04

Click here to sign the call now.

Women are mobilizing women around the globe to call for an end to the occupation and the violence in Iraq. With the majority of people in Iraq, the U.S., the U.K., and around the world opposing this war, now is the time for women to step forward and make our opposition more visible and vocal.

With the launch of Women Say No To War Campaign, we are asking women around the world to sign on to the Women’s Call for Peace. We hope to obtain a minimum of 100,000 signatures by International Women's Day on March 8, 2006, when US and Iraqi women will deliver these signatures to leaders in Washington DC and women around the world will deliver them to US embassies.

Women's Call for Peace: An Urgent Appeal

We, the women of the United States, Iraq and women worldwide, have had enough of the senseless war in Iraq and the cruel attacks on civilians around the world. We've buried too many of our loved ones. We've seen too many lives crippled forever by physical and mental wounds. We've watched in horror as our precious resources are poured into war while our families' basic needs of food, shelter, education and healthcare go unmet. We've had enough of living in constant fear of violence and seeing the growing cancer of hatred and intolerance seep into our homes and communities.

This is not the world we want for ourselves or our children. With fire in our bellies and love in our hearts, we women are rising up - across borders - to unite and demand an end to the bloodshed and the destruction.

We have seen how the foreign occupation of Iraq has fueled an armed movement against it, perpetuating an endless cycle of violence. We are convinced that it is time to shift from a military model to a conflict-resolution model that includes the following elements:

  • The withdrawal of all foreign troops and foreign fighters from Iraq;
  • Negotiations to reincorporate disenfranchised Iraqis into all aspects of Iraqi society;
  • The full representation of women in the peacemaking process and a commitment to women's full equality in the post-war Iraq;
  • A commitment to discard plans for any foreign bases in Iraq;
  • Iraqi control of its oil and other resources;
  • The nullification of privatization and deregulation laws imposed under occupation, allowing Iraqis to shape the trajectory of the post-war economy;
  • A massive reconstruction effort that prioritizes Iraqi contractors, and draws upon financial resources of the countries responsible for the invasion and occupation of Iraq;
  • Consideration of a temporary international peacekeeping force that is truly multilateral and is not composed of any troops from countries that participated in the occupation.

To move this peace process forward, we are creating a massive movement of women - crossing generations, races, ethnicities, religions, borders and political persuasions. Together, we will pressure our governments, the United Nations, the Arab League, Nobel Peace Prize winners, religious leaders and others in the international community to step forward to help negotiate a political settlement. And in this era of divisive fundamentalisms, we call upon world leaders to join us in spreading the fundamental values of love for the human family and for our precious planet.

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:53
Palestinian Academics Call for International Academic Boycott of Israel
Statement, Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel , 7 July 2004

Dear fellow academics, intellectuals and activists:

Please find below a Palestinian call for boycott issued by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. It has the support of nearly sixty of the most prominent academic, cultural, professional, and trade unions and associations in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza, including the Federation of Unions of Palestinian Universities' Professors and Employees and the umbrella organization of Palestinian NGOs in the occupied West Bank, PNGO. It is thus highly representative of the views of major sectors in Palestinian civil society. We urge you to endorse this call and distribute it as widely as possible to academic organizations, educational institutions, and cultural and professional associations.

The Israeli academy has contributed, either directly or indirectly, to maintaining, defending or otherwise justifying the military occupation and colonization of the West Bank and Gaza, the entrenched system of racial discrimination and segregation against the Palestinian citizens of Israel, which resembles the defunct apartheid system in South Africa, and the denial of the fundamental rights of Palestinian refugees in contravention of international law.

From our perspective, all forms of international intervention have until now failed to force Israel to comply with international law or to end its repression of the Palestinians, which has manifested itself in the brutal suppression of academic freedom, siege, indiscriminate killing -- just today, Israel murdered professor Khaled Salah, of an-Najah University, and his 16-year-old child in their home in Nablus -- wanton destruction and the racist colonial wall. And in view of the fact that people of conscience in the international community of scholars and intellectuals have historically shouldered the moral responsibility to fight injustice, as exemplified in their struggle to abolish apartheid in South Africa through diverse forms of boycott, we call upon you, our colleagues in the international community, to comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions in the spirit of international solidarity, moral consistency and resistance to oppression.

To Palestinians, it is more urgent now than ever to finally establish a connection between the two formerly mutually exclusive words: "Israel" and "sanctions". Israel should not be treated with the moral inconsistency that has prevailed so far. It is precisely the automatic exoneration that Israel receives from western governments and some otherwise progressive movements that Palestinians and their conscientious supporters wish to challenge.

We realize that boycott is not popular yet when the target is Israel. We recognize the hesitation in Europe, and more so in the US (albeit for different reasons), in addressing the need to boycott the Israeli academic establishment; but we, Palestinian academics and intellectuals, cannot wait until divine intervention sways public opinion towards supporting a boycott. We need your help and that of international academic networks to actively contribute to the process that could make it happen.

Boycott is clearly among the clearest and least violent tactics in resisting occupation and injustice at an international level. We hope that you can endorse it and find the best, most nuanced and effective means of advocating and implementing it. This would be a highly appreciated and practical contribution to supporting Palestinian academic freedom and, indeed, to resisting injustice and fostering genuine peace in our troubled region.


Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel info@BoycottIsrael.ps

Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Israel's colonial oppression of the Palestinian people, which is based on Zionist ideology, comprises the following:

Denial of its responsibility for the Nakba - in particular the waves of ethnic cleansing and dispossession that created the Palestinian refugee problem - and therefore refusal to accept the inalienable rights of the refugees and displaced stipulated in and protected by international law;

Military occupation and colonization of the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and Gaza since 1967, in violation of international law and UN resolutions;

The entrenched system of racial discrimination and segregation against the Palestinian citizens of Israel, which resembles the defunct apartheid system in South Africa.

Suggested Guiding Principles

Since Israeli academic institutions (mostly state controlled) and the vast majority of Israeli intellectuals and academics have either contributed directly to maintaining, defending or otherwise justifying the above forms of oppression, or have been complicit in them through their silence,

Given that all forms of international intervention have until now failed to force Israel to comply with international law or to end its repression of the Palestinians, which has manifested itself in many forms, including siege, indiscriminate killing, wanton destruction and the racist colonial wall,

In view of the fact that people of conscience in the international community of scholars and intellectuals have historically shouldered the moral responsibility to fight injustice, as exemplified in their struggle to abolish apartheid in South Africa through diverse forms of boycott,

Recognizing that the growing international boycott movement against Israel has expressed the need for a Palestinian frame of reference outlining guiding principles,

In the spirit of international solidarity, moral consistency and resistance to injustice and oppression,

We, Palestinian academics and intellectuals, call upon our colleagues in the international community to comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions as a contribution to the struggle to end Israel's occupation, colonization and system of apartheid, by applying the following:

1.Refrain from participation in any form of academic and cultural cooperation, collaboration or joint projects with Israeli institutions;

2.Advocate a comprehensive boycott of Israeli institutions at the national and international levels, including suspension of all forms of funding and subsidies to these institutions;

3.Promote divestment and disinvestment from Israel by international academic institutions;

4.Exclude from the above actions against Israeli institutions any conscientious Israeli academics and intellectuals opposed to their stateÂ’s colonial and racist policies;

5.Work toward the condemnation of Israeli policies by pressing for resolutions to be adopted by academic, professional and cultural associations and organizations;

6.Support Palestinian academic and cultural institutions directly without requiring them to partner with Israeli counterparts as an explicit or implicit condition for such support.

What's new on this site?
In The Media: The Obstacle Course to School (11 January 2006)
In The Media: Israeli High Court Orders Army Not to Deport West Bank Medical Student to Gaza (19 December 2005)
In The Media: Israel's High Court Petitioned on the Right of Gaza Students to Study in the West Bank ( 1 December 2005)
Photo & Video: In Pictures: Palestinian Student Protest in Hebron (24 November 2005)
Students in Detention: Authorities Renew Detention of Al-Haq Fieldworker and Birzeit Student Ziyad Hmeidan (19 November 2005)
The Wall's Impact on Education: The Wall - An Obstacle to Educating Palestinian Youth ( 8 November 2005)
Birzeit-Surda Roadblock: Israeli Army Harassment of Birzeit Students on their way to University ( 7 November 2005)

Join the academic and cultural boycott of Israel which has been requested by 60 of the most representative academic, cultural, professional and trade unions and associations in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, including the Federation of Unions of Palestinian Universities' Professors and Employees and the umbrella organization of Palestinian NGOs in the occupied West Bank, PNGO. Read this statement by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:48

Following the shocking decision by the International Atomic Energy Agency to refer Iran’s nuclear case to the UN Security Council, which can impose sanctions against Tehran, it is essential to bear in mind a number of points;

1- Attempts by the United States and the European Union to stop Iran’s nuclear program is unfair. Iran has an "inalienable right" to peaceful nuclear technology as a signatory to the NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY. Countries that possess sufficient nuclear weapons to destroy the world several times over didn’t sign this pact. Washington and its European allies have for decades turned a blind eye to Israel. To the Iranians, it seems like some people have sovereignty while others do not.

"Our nation can't give in to the coercion of some bully countries who imagine they are the whole world and see themselves equal to the entire globe," President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said as the EU circulated the UNSC referral resolution at the IAEA.

2- Iran, which signed additional protocols and volunteered to suspend nuclear activities during talks with the European Union, has gone beyond its obligations under the NPT to assure the West of it's peaceful intentions. Yet the United States and the European Union asked the IAEA to send its dossier to the Security Council for “violating its nuclear obligations”. In fact, it is the U.S. and other nuclear powers that have not fulfilled their obligations under the NPT, including those stated in Article VI: “Each of the Parties to the Treaty undertakes to pursue negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an early date and to nuclear disarmament, and on a Treaty on general and complete disarmament under strict and effective international control.” It is no surprise then when Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki describes the recent IAEA vote as “illegal”, and says that it is "the result of a political will based on U.S. hostility" toward Iran.

3- Although the Iranian government said that it will end its voluntary suspension of industrial-scale uranium enrichment, a process that generates fuel for nuclear reactors or a nuclear bomb - depending on the level of enrichment, it is still a long way from the production of atomic weapons.

There are two ways to produce an atomic weapon: using either highly enriched uranium, or separated plutonium. According to the influential London-based think tank International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Iran isn’t capable of pursuing either or both routes. Moreover, IAEA chief Mohamed El-Baradei assured the world on December 6, 2005 when he said that the IAEA has found no "smoking gun" in Iran that would indicate a nuclear weapons program.

4- "Yesterday we had two options. One was the option of resistance and the other was surrender," Mottaki said following news of Iran’s referral to the UN Security Council.

"We chose resistance." Why and how does Iran resist? The West fails to realize that Iran’s current power in the region is a direct result of the invasion of Iraq and the rise of a Shia-dominated government in Baghdad. The growing pressures against Iran over its NUCLEAR PROGRAM have more to do with Tehran’s close ties with the Iraqi government and the future consequences of such relations.

5- Asked whether Congress had the political will to use military force against Iran if necessary, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said: "The answer is yes, absolutely… We cannot allow Iran to become a nuclear nation… We need to use diplomatic sanctions. If that doesn't work, economic sanctions, and if that doesn't work, the potential for military use has to be on the table."

Also Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld didn’t rule out using military force against Iran to curb its nuclear ambitions. "All options, including the military one, are on the table," he recently said. But warmongers fail to realize that any diplomatic escalations, economic sanctions or military decisions will directly affect the ordinary Iranians, who have nothing to do with their fears, much like what happened to the Iraqis who were the real victims of years of sanctions against Saddam’s regime and who bore the brunt of the attacks following the illegal 2003 invasion.

6- Iran needs the nuclear technology to generate electricity. Some argue that it doesn’t need nuclear power as it has the world’s second largest oil and gas reserves. But global oil production is expected to peak in 5 to 25 years, and demand is expected to exceed supply sometime after that.

Therefore, it makes sense for Iran to look toward alternative means for generating electricity. Tehran has a good reason to preserve oil for other purposes including increasing revenues from export.

7- If Iran were to obtain nuclear weapons, it would pose a real threat to its regional neighbors, not the United States. Israel could defend itself because it is the only nuclear-armed country in the Middle East. It is believed to have more than 200 nuclear weapons, the missiles to deliver them to Iran, and it is no secret that it has been threatening strikes on Iran's nuclear sites, just as it launched an unprovoked attack on Iraq's, Osiraq nuclear electric power plant in 1981. Even if Iran poses a direct threat to the U.S., so is North Korea. Moreover, a military attack against Iran wouldn’t be consistent with the U.S.’s reaction to the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Pakistan.

Singling out Iran for military action or trade sanctions under such circumstances, especially after the U.S.‘s failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, would inflame anti-American sentiments in other countries, particularly in the Islamic world, making it even more difficult to gain support for other U.S. foreign policies.

“Thirty years ago, Iran developing a nuclear capacity caused no problems for the Americans because, at that time, the Shah was seen as a strong ally, and had indeed been put on the throne with American help”, Tony Benn, Britain's secretary of state for energy from 1975-79, was quoted as saying.

"There could hardly be a clearer example  of double standards than this, and it fits in with the arming of SADDAM to attack Iran after the Shah had been toppled, and the complete silence over Israel's huge nuclear armory“.

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:47

The List of Products and Services to Boycott.

AOL Time Warner Apax Partners & Co Ltd
Coca Cola Danone
Delta Galil Disney
Estée Lauder IBM
Johnson & Johnson Kimberly-Clark
Lewis Trust Group Ltd L'Oreal
Marks & Spencer Nestle
News Corporations Nokia
Revlon Sara Lee
Selfridges The Limited Inc
Home Depot Intel
Starbucks Timberland

Listing of Israeli goods and products to boycott

Listing of Israeli Exports Companies

Additional listing of US Companies investing in Israel

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AOL Time Warner Apax Partners & Co Ltd
Coca Cola Danone
Delta Galil Disney
Estée Lauder IBM
Johnson & Johnson Kimberly-Clark
Lewis Trust Group Ltd L'Oreal
Marks & Spencer Nestle
News Corporations Nokia
Revlon Sara Lee
Selfridges The Limited Inc
Home Depot Intel
Starbucks Timberland

Listing of Israeli goods and products to boycott

Listing of Israeli Exports Companies

Additional listing of US Companies investing in Israel







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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:46
March 8, 2006

, hello!

Congratulations, we did it!!! And we couldn't have done it without you. Thanks to the amazing efforts of CODEPINK women and devoted peacemakers all over the world, we reached our goal of 100,000 signatures on the Women Say NO To War call. As of March 8, International Women's Day, there were 103,000 signers!

Every single signature counted-we thank you from our hearts…From the masses of pink postcards arriving from Boscobel, Wisconsin to the signatures mailed in all the way from Greece and Japan, each name was represented today at over 100 actions around the globe. Our voice was loud and clear as we delivered the Women's Call for Peace to the US government offices around the world!!! (Click here for updates and pictures of March 8th actions and events.) We will continue to update the website as you send us your pictures and e-mails.

In Washington DC this morning, hundreds of women in pink - led by our courageous Iraqi women's delegation-gathered at the Iraqi Embassy and marched to the White House to turn in the petitions (link to photos and news stories). These amazing Iraqi women shared their experiences living in a nation reeling from war, and spoke passionately of their desire to end the occupation. While Congress was considering the Bush administration's request for $70 billion more for war, American and Iraqi women were walking arm-in-arm, chanting "Money for health care and education, not for war and occupation."

It was a week of great emotions-highs and lows. One of the saddest moments in our campaign was on March 6 in New York, when Gold Star mom Cindy Sheehan and CODEPINK Co-Founder Medea Benjamin, along with two other women, were arrested and jailed as they tried to deliver the signatures to the US Mission to the United Nations. Dragged away while sitting on the steps of a public building, they spent an uncomfortable night on the floor of the city lock-up. They received messages of outrage and support from all over the world. Thank you for all of your concern and well wishes. Although they were treated harshly during their arrest, their spirits are strong.

As we end this historic International Women's Day, we are energized by the example of our Iraqi sisters and determined to continue to organize and mobilize until all troops are out of Iraq. We look forward to the days when we join with our Iraqi friends, not to mourn the dead, but to rejoice in our common bonds and join hands to rebuild their country.

With hope for peace in the world,
Allison, Eman, Entisar, Dana, Gael, Faiza, Farida, Jodie, Medea, Meredith, Nadje, Nancy, Rae, Sureya & Tiffany

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