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  • : Tout Juif qui se respecte, religieux ou séculier, ne peut plus garder le silence, voir pire, soutenir le régime sioniste, et ses crimes de génocide perpétrés contre le peuple palestinien...La secte sioniste est à l’opposé du Judaïsme. .................... Mensonge, désinformation, agression, violence et désobéissance de la loi internationale sont aujourd’hui les principales caractéristiques du sionisme israélien en Palestine.
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Israèl est contre TORAH

*"Les sionistes me dégoûtent autant que les nazis."
(Victor Klemperer, philologue allemand d'origine juive, 1881-1960)








L’initiative sioniste de proclamer l’État d’Israël constitue une révolte contre la volonté divine, contre la Torah, une révolte qui a engendré une vague interminable de violence et de souffrance. À l’occasion de la fondation de l’État hérétique, les juifs fidèles à la Torah pleurent cette tentative d’extirper les enseignements de la Torah, de transformer les juifs en une « nation laïque » et de réduire le judaïsme au nationalisme.......Nous déplorons les tragédies que la révolution sioniste a provoquées chez les Palestiniens, notamment des déportations, l’oppression et la subjugation..Que nous méritions que cette année toutes les nations, en acceptant la souverainet

é divine, puissent se réjouir dans une Palestine libre et dans une Jérusalem libre! Amen. Offert par Netouré Karta International : www.nkusa.orglink




Ecrivez nous au ; noesam@voila.fr
visitez    http://www.planetenonviolence.org/link




La prétendue ascendance juive d'Hitler: Une "explication" par la haine de soi
Une publication parue cette semaine a attiré mon attention. Il s’agit ni plus ni moins de la généalogie d’Adolf Hitler qui aurait des ascendants juifs !! Dans son article, Gilles Bonafi présente une fiche des Renseignements généraux que le magazine Sciences et Avenir a publié en mars 2009, et où on peut clairement lire le deuxième prénom d’Hitler : Jacob. Adolf Jacob Hitler serait le petit-fils de Salomon Mayer Rothschild. Cette information a été divulguée par deux sources de très haut niveau : Hansjurgen Koehler officier d’Heydrich, qui était lui-même l’adjoint direct d’Heinrich Himmler et Walter Langer le psychiatre qui a réalisé le profil psychologique d’Hitler pour l’OSS, les services secrets US pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
SOURCE ;alterinfo


12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:45
Jews sans frontieres -   http://jewssansfrontieres.blogspot.com

So let's just point out that Israel has today killed yet another child - an 8 year-old girl - bringing the total of children killed this year by the most powerful army in the Middle East to....oh never mind. It'll only go up again tomorrow. Here are some score cards from the Israeli human rights group B'tselem but don't quote the figures, they're barely keeping up. (4/10/2006 1:16:14 PM)
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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:45
<LINK href="http://www.aljazeera.com/aj.css" rel=stylesheet>
NEWS THIS WEEK: 22 March 2006
Protests accross the globe mark Iraq war anniversary
Worldwide anti-war protests marking the third anniversary of the illegal U.S.-led war against Iraq continued for the second day on Sunday.
Hamas unveils cabinet list
Hamas unveiled its full cabinet list which put top party members in charge of key government posts, including the foreign affairs, interior and finance ministries.
Israel's murder of 10-year old Palest. girl condemned
Akbar Zayed, who was on her way to a clinic to have stitches removed from her chin, was killed in a hail of bullets in the northern West Bank.
How can we pressure America reconsider its decision to destroy the Iraqis?
"My Name Is Rachel Corrie" must get to the world!
THE DANCING ISRAELIS: An unprecedented honest analysis of 9/11 and Bush's war on terror"
"Here I intend to destroy the notion that a Saudi Arabian caveman and his band of half-trained, Arab flight school attendees, orchestrated the most sophisticated terror operation in world history."
Jericho raid: Kadima party couldn't have dreamt of a more successful and cunning trick
Israel new centrist Kadima party couldn't have dreamt of a more successful and cunning trick only a day before pollsters start their work for the weekend papers.
<NOSCRIPT language=java-script type="text/java-script" src=""></NOSCRIPT><NOSCRIPT language=java-script type="text/java-script"> </NOSCRIPT><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT>

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:44
The games children play in Gaza
Rami Almeghari writing from occupied Gaza, Live from Palestine, 2 July 2006

Palestinians attend a protest, against the Israeli army operation in Gaza and arrest of Hamas lawmakers and ministers, in the West Bank town of Ramallah June 29, 2006. (MaanImages/Mushir Abdelrahman)

Most areas of the Gaza Strip are currently experiencing an extremely difficult period -- Israeli warplanes and tanks never stop, day or night, firing heavy artillery against every target possible.

Homes, institutions and infrastructure never escape the Israeli shelling; power and water plants have been severely hit so far, main roads have been damaged, buildings and homes have been shelled.

Moreover, civilians along with resistance fighters have been killed and wounded due to such non-stop Israeli aggression, while the lives of Gaza Strip residents have reverted to the way things were in 1967, when Israeli occupation forces occupied the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In one of the Strip's many refugee camps, a camp called Maghazi in the central part of the Gaza Strip, two Palestinian children laid down on top of sand bags, which had been placed on the entrance of their alley. “Why are you lying there?”, I asked the boys – Ibrahim, 9, and Ahmad, 14.

"We are lying here with our 'rifles' to defend our camp from the Israeli forces, we will kill them if they enter the camp "

In the main street in Maghazi, which is about 300 meters long, many sand bags have been placed by resistance fighters, apparently as a sort of defense against a likely Israeli attack on the camp. Sand bags, dirt piles, rocks blocking roads are being placed in various areas in light of Israeli military announcement that they will reinvade the 'liberated' Gaza Strip, to release an Israeli soldier who is being held by Palestinian resistance fighters.

Ibrahim and Ahmad, the two school children , have found no enjoyment in the fact that they are off school, and on summer holiday. Instead, they find themselves without food, without potable water, lying on top of sand bags and holding wood rifles, instead of enjoying the holiday as other children around the world are able to.

Senior Palestinian residents say that this situation resembles, to a great extent, the first days of the Israeli-Arab war of 1967, when the Gaza Strip fell into the hands of the Israeli occupation forces.

Munir Abdullah 60, of Maghazi refugee camp, says, "In June 1967, the Israeli forces waged a sweeping war in which they occupied the Gaza Strip including Maghazi. On that day, the people fled their homes, seeking refuge, while many others including resistance men placed the sand bags in every corner of the camp as you see here today."

"My brother Fathi, who was then 17 years old was defending the camp, like many others, behind sand bags, and he was shot and killed by the Israeli forces", Munir says.

"What the Israelis are doing is reversing the wheel of history four decades back; they are destroying everything, they are killing people in streets, I feel I have never grown up, I feel I am re-living 1967, when Israel first occupied the Gaza Strip as they are now about to reoccupy it."

The Israeli government has recently decided to gradually launch a military attack on the Gaza Strip, intending to reoccupy it, under the pretext of releasing a soldier, who was captured by some resistance fighters in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah a few days ago.

Because of the latest Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, about 1.3 million Palestinians have been forced to live primitively; with candlelights at night, small radios in their hands and with sand bags on streets; all are worried about imminent Israeli invasions of their areas.

The Israeli occupation has closed all border crossings and commercial outlets, preventing the entry of any single person, food or even a single tank of gas. An entire population, already suffering from international aid cuts due to their democratic choice of a Hamas government in January 2006 elections, are now huddled in the darkness, behind sandbags, watching the thousands of Israeli tanks lined up on the border, and fearing for the worst.

Rami Almeghari is currently a Senior Translator at the Translation Department of the Gaza-based State Information Service (SIS) and former Editor in Chief of the SIS-linked International Press Center's English site. He can be contacted at rami_almeghari@hotmail.com.

U.S. urged to stop Israeli terrorism in Gaza
7/5/2006 4:30:00 PM GMT
The military action by Israel in the Gaza Strip is designed to terrorize the civilian population. This is openly acknowledged by Israeli officials. It is being condemned by human rights groups in Israel and around the world. Rep. Cardin has been a staunch, consistent and unwavering supporter of Israel. He has voted for the military equipment and financial aid that provides Israel with the ability to terrorize Palestinian civilians. It is now time for him, and others in the U.S. government, to speak out against Israel's actions.

This is an email I (Kevin B. Zeese) sent to Rep. Ben Cardin. Mr. Cardin is running for the U.S. Senate in Maryland as a Democrat. I am also running for that U.S. Senate seat in a Unity Campaign where I have been nominated by three parties -- Green, Libertarian, and Populist -- and have members of the Republican, Democratic Parties
on my campaign committee along with independents.

June 26, 2006
Rep. Ben Cardin
2207 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Via email

Dear Rep. Cardin:

You have been a staunch supporter of Israel. As you know I am a candidate for U.S. Senate in Maryland, an office you are also seeking. At recent candidate forums your wife and other spokespersons for your campaign (speaking for you since you were not present), have noted how you tell any country who wants to trade with the United States that they must trade with Israel and they noted your consistent support for Israel.

Indeed, I cannot ever recall you criticizing the actions of Israel in your nearly two decades in Congress.

Your voice is needed now. Israel is amassing a massive military force on the border of the Gaza Strip in reaction to the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. The Prime Minister has ordered a “comprehensive and ongoing military action.” This is sure to be a bloody attack that will result in widespread civilian casualties. Please use your voice to urge Israel to negotiate rather than add to the violence.

While I am opposed to Palestinian violence, as it is counterproductive to the goal of a viable Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution, certainly you are aware that Israeli violence against Palestinians has led to this point. Hamas had kept a promise of no violence for 18 months until recent Israeli killings of civilians. Surely you are aware of the state-based terrorism of Israel against the Palestinian people that led to this escalation of violence, including:

- The weeks of shelling by the Israeli army in Gaza. This has included the firing of hundreds of missiles into the crowded Strip resulting in the destruction of Palestinian lives and property, and terrorizing the civilian population.

- The killing of more than 30 Palestinian civilians, and dozens of injuries to Palestinian civilians, in the past few weeks at the hands of the Israeli military, including three children killed in an air strike last week, as well as a pregnant woman and her brother, a doctor, killed a day later as a missile slammed into the room where they were eating dinner.

- The blockade of Gaza's “borders” by the Israeli army for months on end, which has prevented Palestinians in Gaza from trading goods and receiving vital supplies of food and medicine. As a result of the Israeli action the civilian population of Gaza is facing a humanitarian crisis.

- Israel's bullying of the international community, including the United States, to deny the starving of the Hamas-led government of funds and diplomatic options, thereby making it impossible for the elected Palestinian leadership to run the Gaza Strip.

- The violation of Palestinian territory by Israeli commandos who infiltrated Gaza a day before the Palestinian attack to kidnap two Palestinians who Israel claims are ‘terrorists.’ They are now missing, no doubt held in detention, without access to lawyers, and the courts.

Certainly, you understand how these actions of Israel have provoked the current dispute that is leading to a likely slaughter of Palestinians. It is as if Israel’s policies are designed to create opportunities for further destruction of the Palestinian people. This has been the long-term reality of Israeli policy. The front-line members of the reserve combat officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces who refuse to fight in the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories described this reality vividly in their “Combatant’s Letter” saying:

We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders in order to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people.

While you are only one voice, as a long-term stalwart supporter of Israel, someone who has never been a critic, your voice right now could make a difference in saving lives and stopping the escalation of violence. It is important for Israel to see that not everyone in Washington, DC -- especially a long-term supporter of Israel like you -- dances to the Israeli tune no matter how abhorrent.

Please speak out before violence begets violence in a never-ending spiral of bloodshed.

Kevin B. Zeese

www.Zeese.US (wiki Campaign site)

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:42
selon le site http://jewssansfrontieres.blogspot.com :des juifs britanniques condamne l'agression contre gaza:"
300 JEWS IN ISRAEL FURY A NEWSPAPER advert in which nearly 300 prominent British Jews condemned Israeli action in Gaza has sparked fury. The Jews for Justice for Palestinians' full-page ad in yesterday's Times accuses Israel of terrorising "an entire people...."
aussi ce blog/site parle de complicité des sionistes avec les nazis allemand avant et cour de la 2ème guerre mondiale
- http://jewssansfrontieres.blogspot.com

Here's Gideon Levy in Ha'aretz dealing with the usual "they started it" refrain so often heard from zionists:
What would have happened if the Palestinians had not fired Qassams? Would Israel have lifted the economic siege that it imposed on Gaza? Would it open the border to Palestinian laborers? Free prisoners? Meet with the elected leadership and conduct negotiations? Encourage investment in Gaza? Nonsense. If the Gazans were sitting quietly, as Israel expects them to do, their case would disappear from the agenda - here and around the world. Israel would continue with the convergence, which is solely meant to serve its goals, ignoring their needs. Nobody would have given any thought to the fate of the people of Gaza if they did not behave violently. That is a very bitter truth, but the first 20 years of the occupation passed quietly and we did not lift a finger to end it. Instead, under cover of the quiet, we built the enormous, criminal settlement enterprise. With our own hands, we are now once again pushing the Palestinians into using the petty arms they have; and in response, we employ nearly the entire enormous arsenal at our disposal, and continue to complain that "they started." We started. We started with the occupation, and we are duty-bound to end it, a real and complete ending. We started with the violence. There is no violence worse than the violence of the occupier, using force on an entire nation, so the question about who fired first is therefore an evasion meant to distort the picture. After Oslo, too, there were those who claimed that "we left the territories," in a similar mixture of blindness and lies.
je crois que plusieurs juifs dénnoncent et condamnent l'occupation sioniste et l'agression mener par l'armeé terroriste israélienne contre gaza/palestiniens.

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:41
 toutes les organisations non-gouvernementales de divers pays du monde et des responsables de l'onu ont affirmé que israél/nazi est criminel de guerre /crimes contre l'humanité et même on reclame de juger les criminels
Empire Has No Heart                          
8/7/2006 8:00:00 PM GMT
The Israeli army, with the financial and military support of the United States of America, has deliberately bombed civilians in Lebanon and almost all of its attacks constitute war crimes, U.S.-based rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated recently

In the wake of current developments and hard times facing the Middle East region, with Israel engaged in two brutal offensives in the Palestinian and Lebanese territories, an editorial on Jordan's Arabic-language Ad Dustour, describes how downtrodden and abused the Muslim Ummah or nation feels, as a result of the barbaric policies of both, Israel and its God father the United States.

In Ad Dustour editorial, the author refers to the U.S. as an empire that has no heart, an empire that instead of spreading democracy, created chaos across the world in general and the Middle East and the Arab world in particular.

He described the U.S. as a country of iron and fire that has no heart, while referring to the Jewish State as a monstrous country, and also "a country that has no heart".

Like he called the U.S. and Israel countries with no hearts, the author also described the destruction inflicted upon the ruined Maroun al-Ras and Bint Jubayl and Ayta al-Sha'b as a result of the brutal Israeli strikes and indiscriminate bombings, as “with no heart”.

“Cockroaches moving around our streets and destroyed roadways, and the embers of fire raining down on the buildings have no hearts,” he said.

Human Rights Watch said Israel's claim that Hezbollah fighters are hiding among Lebanese civilians did not justify its "systematic failure" to distinguish between civilians and fighters.

Some news reports say that over 600 Lebanese have died since Israel started bombing Lebanon, but some officials say that over 900, mostly civilians, were killed.

The mounting civilian death toll has fuelled the Arabs and some Western States' outcry against Israel's tactics in the four-week-old war.

"In some instances, Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted civilians," HRW said in a statement issued Thursday.

"The failures cannot be dismissed as mere accidents and cannot be blamed on wrongful Hezbollah practices. In some cases, these attacks constitute war crimes."

“Bush has no heart; Ehud Olmert has no heart; Condoleezza Rice has no heart. The United Nations has no heart; the Security Council has no heart; the European Union has no heart; The countries of the first, second and third worlds: have no hearts,” the author further stated.

The condemnation of some Arab leaders and humanitarian organisations didn’t strop the mad Israeli war machine from destroying beautiful Lebanon, killing innocent children and crushing the bones of women.

The Qana massacres in 1996 and 2006 are only examples of Israel’s history of heinous crimes: Dair Yassin, Tantura, al-Duwaima, Qibya, Nahalin, Kafr Qasim.

A swift action is needed now before the crisis spreads to swallow the entire Middle East region. The arrogance of the U.S., which continues to oppose calls for an immediate ceasefire at the UN, and Israel's crimes must come to an end, a global condemnation over the Israeli atrocities in Lebanon and Palestine is needed now and a “clear” UN resolution needs to be submitted to prevent future scenarios.

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:41
Justice" Comes to Qana
Patrick McGreevy writing from Beirut, Live from Lebanon, 4 August 2006

"Qana" by Mazen Kerbaj. View more of his work.
The attacks of 11 September 2001 gave many ordinary Americans a palpable experience of injustice. Addressing both houses of Congress nine days later, President Bush proclaimed: "Our grief has turned to anger and anger to resolution. Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done." By nearly conflating justice and revenge, the President - and, alas, the vast majority of Americans who applauded him - lost an opportunity to see with new clarity, justice itself cast into relief by the very experience of injustice. Instead, the United States launched an endless war, the first stage of which was to be called Operation Infinite Justice.

This week "justice" came to the Lebanese Village of Qana. The United States had blocked every attempt to end the violence, and, before the attack, Israeli Justice Minister Haim Ramon had announced that "everyone who is still in south Lebanon is linked to Hizbullah." The Anglo-American-Israeli juggernaut had brought "justice" to "our enemies."

Reacting to the horrors of World War II, the bold-thinking Max Horkheimer suggested that we finally make social progress from the experience of the opposite of justice. We learn about the value of the individual life, for instance, from the experience of a world that treads mercilessly on human lives and bodies, treating them as so much soulless stuff. Though a European Jew, Horkheimer was a dialectical materialist, and therefore no kind of theist. Yet he believed that the notion that each human is equally and, in a sense, infinitely valuable, was a religious innovation. "The very concept of the soul as the inner light, the dwelling place of God," he wrote, "came into being only with Christianity, and all antiquity has an element of emptiness and aloofness by contrast." To our modern sensibilities, he observed, "some of the Gospel teachings and stories about the simple fishermen and carpenters of Galilee seem to make the Greek masterpieces mute and soulless - lacking that very 'inner light' - and the leading figures of antiquity roughhewn and barbaric." For Horkheimer, this insight came from the painful experience of its negation, and any hope of justice lay, paradoxically, in the deep experience of injustice. Hence, "the anonymous martyrs of the concentration camps are the symbols of the humanity that is striving to be born," and we could expect insight from those "who have gone through the infernos of suffering and degradation in their resistance to conquest and oppression."

Hassan Nasrallah speaks to the Arab world and the Muslim World about their common experience of injustice. Do not doubt its deep resonance, its truth. Qana is just the latest, and one of the clearest, and most globally visible, examples. Can those who launched the endless war finally recognize the infinitely valuable "inner light" so callously snuffed out of each of those dusty child corpses? Will Nasrallah, and those now fixated on his voice, see justice, against the background of injustice, any more clearly than did Bush and those fixated on his voice? Can we expect such magnanimity, given the asymmetry of the suffering?

In human affairs, cycles of violence and revenge, cascades of injustice, are not inevitable. Our sole hope is that we have not only an inner light but an ability to choose and act, to consider not only means, but ends, with what Horkheimer called reason - that having lived through hell, we might see not only the injustice done to us, but the horror of injustice no matter who is the victim. A simple thing. We know the alternative.
Hezbollah surprises its enemy

Yesterday Hezbollah’s rockets killed 15 Israelis, mostly soldiers, the deadliest barrage of the Lebanese resistance’s attacks in nearly a month of fighting against the Israeli occupying army.

Three years ago, when a powerful quake hit the Iranian city of Bam, killing 35,000 people, transport planes carrying aid poured in from everywhere, including Syria. Those planes, the Israeli military intelligence alleges, returned to Damascus carrying sophisticated weapons, including long-range Zelzal missiles, which Israel claims Syrians passed on to the Lebanese resistance movement in southern Lebanon, stated a New York Times editorial.

Israel’s claims that those weaponry shipments were passed on to Hezbollah, bitter foe of Israel, “are just one indication of how — with the help of its main sponsors, Iran and Syria”, the Lebanese resistance’s military might and arsenal have majorly improved over the past six years, since Hezbollah forced the Israelis out of southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah, a Lebanese umbrella organization of groups and organizations rejecting the Israeli presence in Lebanon and the Middle East, is a significant force in Lebanon’s politics and a major provider of social services, operating schools, hospitals, and agricultural services, for thousands of Lebanese.

The group’s fighters are well trained like an army.

“They are nothing like Hamas or the Palestinians,” admitted a soldier who just returned from Lebanon.

“They are trained and highly qualified”, with flak jackets, night-vision goggles, good communications and sometimes Israeli uniforms and ammunition. “All of us were kind of surprised.”

Hezbollah, known for its close links to Iran and Syria, was founded in 1982 to confront the Israeli army and end its illegitimate presence and occupation of Lebanon.

Hezbollah’s stockpile of what some experts describe as Syrian- and Iranian-made missiles, 3,000 of which have hit Israeli towns, received much attention from the media recently, specially with the great losses inflicted upon the Israelis since the conflict broke last month.

The New York Times put the number of Israelis killed since Lebanon’s offensive began at 48, but officials say they’re over 70.

Also during the past six years, both Tehran and Damascus provided satellite communications and some of the world’s best infantry weapons, including Russian-made antitank weapons and Semtex plastic explosives.

They also provided training on how to use such weapons against the Israelis.

But the credit should be given to Hezbollah’s fighters’ talent and skillful use of such weapons, specially the wire-guided and laser-guided antitank missiles, with double, phased explosive warheads and a range of about two miles.

With Russian-made antitank missiles, capable of penetrating armor, Hezbollah fighters managed to destroy many Israeli vehicles, including its most modern tank, the Merkava, on about 20 percent of their hits, according to Israeli tank commanders at the front.

“They use them like artillery to hit houses,” said Brig. Gen. Yossi Kuperwasser, until recently the Israeli Army’s director of intelligence analysis.

“They can use them accurately up to even three kilometers, and they go through a wall like through the armor of a tank.”

Hezbollah fighters also use tunnels so as to quickly emerge from the ground, fire a shoulder-held antitank missile, and vanish immediately.

“We know what they have and how they work,” General Kuperwasser said.

“But we don’t know where all the tunnels are. So they can achieve tactical surprise.”

They also use antitank missiles, which Israelis consider their “main fear”, said David Ben-Nun, 24, an enlisted man in the Nahal brigade who just returned from a week in Lebanon.

Although the Israelis admit that Hezbollah’s fighters are few, between 2,000 and 4,000, Timur Goksel, who was the senior political adviser to Unifil, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, which monitors the border until 2003.

Mr Goskel, who says he knows Hezbollah well and holds true admiration for its commitment and organization, describes its fighters as much as the Israelis do: “careful, patient, attuned to gathering intelligence, scholars of guerrill

a warfare from the American Revolution to Mao and the Vietcong”.

Hezbollah has studied asymmetrical warfare,” Mr. Goksel said.

“They have staff work and they do long-term planning, something the Palestinians never do,”

“They watch for two months to note every detail of their enemy. They review their operations — what they did wrong, how the enemy responded. And they have flexible tactics, without a large hierarchical command structure.”

Hezbollah has much better weapons than before,” he said, noting that military confrontation with the Israeli army for 18 years, made Hezbollah fighters “not afraid of the Israeli Army anymore”.

Goskel, speaking during a telephone interview from Beirut, further stated that Hezbollah’s ability to attack Israelis and study their flaws, gave its fighters confidence that the Israeli Army “is a normal human army, with normal vulnerabilities and follies.”

Hezbollah’s tactics focus on trying to draw Israeli ground forces farther into Lebanon, according to Mr. Goksel.

“They want to draw them in to well-prepared battlefields,” like Aita al Shaab.

“They know the Israelis depend too much on armor, which is a prime target for them. And they want Israeli supply lines to lengthen, so they’re easier to hit.”

The Hezbollah fighters “are not just farmers who have been given weapons to fire,” he said. “They are persistent and well trained.”

Hezbollah,the Party of God, emerged in Lebanon in the early 1980s and soon became the region's leading resistance and anti Israeli movement, determined to drive Israeli occupiers out from Lebanon and the Middle East region.

In 2000 the group witnessed one of its main aims being achieved. Hezbollah fighters defeated the well equi

pped Israeli army, forcing it end its two-decade occupation of south Lebanon.

The movement now serves as an inspiration to Palestinian resistance groups fighting to liberate their occupied lands.



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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:40
George Galloway: Hizbollah is right to fight Zionist terror
by George Galloway, Respect MP

There was a deep historical significance to taking to the streets in solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine last Saturday, 22 July.
George Galloway: Hizbollah is right to fight Zionist terror by George Galloway, Respect MP There was a deep historical significance to taking to the streets in solidarity with the people of Lebanon and Palestine last Saturday, 22 July. For that day was the 60th anniversary of the bombing of the King David Hotel by the Irgun Zionist gang in Palestine as part of their campaign to create the state of Israel. The attack killed 92 people, most of them civilians, some 17 of whom were Jewish. It was organised by Irgun leader Menachem Begin who went on to be twice prime minister of Israel. His second period of office saw Israel’s “limited” 1982 invasion of southern Lebanon. It quickly became an  *** ault on the whole country and claimed many thousands of lives. So when you hear commentators say the roots of the current conflict go back to the seizure of two Israeli soldiers a few weeks ago, the roots go back a lot further - they go back over de *** s. They go back before the invasion of 1982, which Hizbollah was formed to resist, and even before 1948 when Israel was founded and 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes. The aggression did not begin in 2006. It began in 1917 when an anti-Semitic British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour, gave in the name of one people, to the Zionist leaders who claimed to represent a second people, the land belonging to a third people - the land of Palestine. There was a commemoration of the King David Hotel bombing last week. Those lionised at it were not the victims, but the perpetrators. Alongside surviving members of the Irgun, Binyamin Netanyahu, former Israeli prime minister and darling of CNN and the BBC, attended the event. He told journalists, “It’s very important to make the distinction between terror groups and freedom fighters, and between terror action and legitimate military action.” He’s exactly right. That’s why I have no hesitation in saying that Hizbollah is not and has never been a terrorist organisation. It is the legitimate national resistance movement of Lebanon. What the US cannot forgive is the fact that Hizbollah succeeded in driving Israel out of Lebanon in 2000 after an 18 year occupation, liberating all but the Shebaa Farms area. This gave it a prestige across the confessional and sectarian divides in Lebanon and across the Middle East. Central to the strategy of Israel, the US and Britain is an attempt to recreate and explode those sectarian divisions as part of this latest phase of the “war on terror”. It seems like only yesterday we were being told that the US and Britain had liberated the long-suffering Shia Muslims of Iraq from Sunni domination. Opposition to the occupation was supposedly just the work of Sunni die-hards and “rejectionists”. The occupiers have fomented sectarian division in an effort to stave off a national resistance front. Now, the same imperial powers and their local puppets are fostering a reverse sectarianism across the Middle East as they try to leave Lebanon and Hizbollah isolated in the face of Israel’s onslaught. We are told that yesterday’s suffering Shia of southern Iraq are now part of a sinister crescent of would-be Shia ascendancy stretching from Iran through Iraq and Syria into Lebanon. The puppet presidents and corrupt kings who rule the Middle East from one end to the other almost without exception are spinning the same yarn. It is all they have to say as the standing of Hizbollah among the m ***  of Arabs - Shia or Sunni, Muslim or Christian - soars. Just as all George Bush and Tony Blair have to say over the slaughter of Lebanese children is that Israel has a right to defend itself and all’s fair in the war against terrorists. That makes it doubly important that the anti-war movement raises its voice clearly. To be for peace means to be for the justice without which there can be no peace. To be for justice means to take sides against injustice. The invasion of Lebanon by Israel, for that’s what it is, is a monstrous injustice. I side with the resistance to that injustice. Hizbollah is leading that resistance. I do not hesitate to say, and Blair and his law officers may take note, that I glorify that resistance. I glorify the Hizbollah national resistance movement, and I glorify the leader of Hizbollah, Sheikh Sayyed H *** an Nasrallah
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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:40

Publié le 18-03-2007

Nous sommes bouleversés d’apprendre la mort soudaine de notre amie Tanya Reinhart, hier à New York. Les mots nous manquent tant nous sommes atterrés par la perte de cette grande dame, de cette militante infatigable contre la politique du gouvernement israélien, de cette femme chaleureuse qui n’a jamais cessé de dénoncer l’injustice et le mensonge, au travers de ses articles, de ses livres, et de ses actes.

Il nous est particulièrement difficile de parler de Tanya au passé. Tanya, qui nous avait fait le grand plaisir de venir inaugurer la librairie Résistances à Paris le 7 décembre dernier, en y donnant une conférence extraordinaire avec son compagnon, le grand poète Aharon Shabtai. Tanya, qui a été de tous les combats contre la colonisation et l’occupation de la Palestine, et qui a été l’une des analystes les plus lucides de la politique criminelle du gouvernement de son pays.

Tanya Reinhart aurait pu se contenter d’être une brillante linguiste et de parfaire sa carrière universitaire en Israël. Mais elle a fait le choix de dénoncer, de résister aux pressions. Dans sa tribune bi-mensuelle dans le quotidien israélien Yediot Ahronot, comme dans ses livres, "Détruire la Palestine" et "L’héritage de Sharon", elle a brossé un tableau sans concession de la terrible situation créée par les dirigeants de son pays, avec une faculté d’anticipation rare.

"Détruire la Palestine" (Editions La Fabrique) est une description magistrale de l’ensemble des stratagèmes utilisés depuis toujours par les dirigeants israéliens pour ne pas s’engager dans un véritable processus de paix, et pour faire croire que la responsabilité en incombe aux Palestiniens. Tanya Reinhart décortique notamment les 7 ans que durèrent les "accords d’Oslo" et montre la distorsion entre ce qui fut présentée comme "l’offre généreuse" de Ehoud Barak, et la réalité. C’est à dire à la fois le resserrement de l’étau autour des Palestiniens dans le même temps (entre 1993 et 2000), et les "propositions" totalement inacceptables des Israéliens, car ne permettant aucune viabilité pour un Etat palestinien qui se serait retrouvé morcelé, sans continuité territoriale, et privé de Jérusalem Est.

Plus récemment, Tanya Reinhart fut la première à dénoncer la "poudre aux yeux" que constituait l’annonce du "désengagement" de la Bande de Gaza par Sharon, auquel elle n’a jamais cru. "Derrière l’écran de fumée du ’retrait’ de Gaza se profile le transfert des Palestiniens", écrivait-elle, tandis que nos gouvernants saluaient le "grand homme de paix".

Tanya fut également l’une des rares opposantes israéliennes à soutenir le boycott des institutions de son pays, notamment universitaires. "Nous cesserons de redouter le boycott quand nous respecterons le droit international", répondait-elle non seulement à l’establishment israélien, mais aussi à cette "gauche" israélienne timorée, soi-disant pacifiste, qui accepte l’impunité dont jouissent l’Etat d’Israël et l’ensemble de ses institutions. Tanya Reinhart n’hésita pas à apporter son soutien à l’université Paris 6, lors du vote par son conseil d’administration, en 2003, de la suspension de ses relations privilégiées avec les universités israéliennes.

Lors de sa dernière conférence en France, le 7 décembre dernier à la librairie Résistances, elle dénonça violemment l’embargo imposé au peuple palestinien, expliquant que les pays européens, dont la France où nous nous trouvions, n’avaient pas le droit de couper ainsi les vivres aux Palestiniens. "Ce n’est pas un acte de générosité que l’Europe aurait la faculté de poursuivre ou pas, expliquait-elle. C’est un choix qui a été fait de se substituer aux obligations de l’occupant israélien auquel le droit international impose de veiller au bien-être des populations occupées. L’Europe a choisi de ne pas obliger Israël à respecter ses obligations, et a préféré verser de l’argent aux Palestiniens. En cessant de la faire, elle viole le droit international".

Fatiguée, Tanya s’était "excusée" de ne plus avoir la force de rester en Israël où, indiquait-elle, la répression physique contre les vrais opposants, était devenue de plus en plus brutale. Elle avait donc décidé d’aller enseigner aux Etats-Unis et venait de s’installer à New York.

Cette femme merveilleuse, que nous avions eu la joie d’accueillir lors de plusieurs de nos meetings et concerts, va terriblement nous manquer. Nous exprimons toute notre douleur et notre sympathie à son compagnon, Aharon Shabaï, un homme de grand coeur et de talent.

MARDI 27 MARS à partir de 19 H : soirée en hommage à Tanya Reinhart

En présence de différents intervenants, nous évoquerons l’action de Tanya Reinhart, sa contribution essentielle à la compréhension de la situation au Proche-Orient et de ses conséquence pour l’humanité toute entière.

Librairie Résistances  : 4 Villa Compoint. 75O17 Paris. M° Guy Môquet ou Brochant. http://www.librairie-resistances.com

Tanya Reinhart au Concert pour la Palestine le 6 novembre 2004 à Paris - 41.9 ko

Tanya Reinhart au Concert pour la Palestine le 6 novembre 2004 à Paris


English text (translated by Robert Thompson)

We are going to miss Tanya Reinhart terribly badly.

We were staggered to learn of the sudden death of our friend Tanya Reinhart, yesterday in New York (she had a stroke). Words fail us because we are so stricken by the loss of our friend, of this great lady, of this indefatigable militant against the policy of the Israeli government towards the Palestinians, of this warm woman who never stopped denouncing injustice and lies, through her articles, her books, and her actions.

Ii is particularly difficult for us to speak of Tanya in the past tense. Tanya, who gave us so much pleasure when she came to the opening of the Résistances book-shop in Paris on 7th December last, when she gave an extraordinary address with her companion, the great poet Aharon Shabtai. Tanya, who took part in all the battles against the colonisation and the occupation of Palestine, and who was one of the most lucid analysts of the criminal policy of her government.

Tanya Reinhart could have been content to be a brilliant linguist and to perfect her university career in Israel. But she made the choice of denouncing and resisting pressures. In her weekly column in the Israeli daily Yediot Ahoronot, as in her books, "Destroy Palestine" and "Sharon’s heritage", she systematically painted a picture which made no concession to the terrible situation created by the rulers of her country, with a rare faculty for anticipating the future.

"Destroy Palestine" (in French "Détruire la Palestine" published by the Editions La Fabrique) is a masterly description of all the stratagems always used by the Israeli rulers to avoid engagement in a genuine peace process, and to make believe that this was the sole fault of the Palestinians. Tanya Reinhart especially examined in detail the 7 years during which the "Olso agreement" lasted and showed the contrast between what was presented as being the "generous offer" of Ehud Barak, and its reality. This was to show how the vice was being closed around the Palestinians during the same period (between 1993 and 2000), and the totally inacceptable "proposals" put forward by the Israelis, since they allowed for no viable Palestinian state which would instead find itself in pockets, without territorial continuity, and deprived of East Jerusalem.

More recently, Tanya Reinhart was the first to denounce the "red herring" of the announcement by Sharon of the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, in which she never believed. "Behind the smokescreen of the ’withdrawal’ from Gaza can be seen the transfer of the Palestinians", she wrote, while our rulers praised the "great man of peace".

Tanya was also one of the rare Israeli opposition personalities to support the boycott of her country’s institutions, especially the Universities. "We shall stop having to worry about the boycott when we respect international law", she replied not only to the Israeli establishment, but also to that timid, supposedly pacifist, Israeli "left-wing" which accepted the impunity from which the state of Israel and all its institutions benefitted. Tanya Reinhart did not hesitate to give her support to the Paris 6 University, when its Administrative Council, in 2003, voted to surpend its special relations with Israeli Universities.

During her last lecture in France, on 7th December last at the Résistances book-shop, she violently denounced the embargo imposed on the Palestinian people, explaining that the European countries, including France in which we live, had no right to cut off food supplies from the Palestinians. "It was not an act of generosity which Europe could either carry on or not", she explained. "It was a choice which had been made to take on the obligations imposed by international law on the Israeli occupier to see to the well-being of the occupied populations. Europe chose not to oblige Israel to respect its obligations, and preferred to pay money to the Palestinians. When it put an end to this, it breached international law".

Tired out, Tanya "apologised" for not having the strength to remain in Israel where, she let it be known, physical repression against genuine opponents had become more and more brutal. She had therefore decided to go to teach in the United States and had just settled in New York.

This marvellous woman, whom we had the joy of welcoming to several of our meetings and concerts, is going to be terribly badly missed by us. We express all our sadness and our sympathy to her companion, Aharon Shabaï, a man with a great heart and talent.

We’ll organize an evening in her honour in Paris, at the Bookshop "Librairie Résistances" on the 27th of March, from 7 pm.


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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:39
Torture coalition demands investigation into death of PA detainee

Majd al-Barghouti died on 22 February, while he was being illegally detained by the General Intelligence Service (GIS) of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah. The forensic medical report, ordered by the Palestinian Attorney General, calls the sudden death "natural" and lists the cause of death as heart failure, due to an abnormally enlarged heart. Although the report states that there were no signs of violence on any part of the body, it notes that there were dark colored marks on his arms, right knee and right thigh, "which were not related to the cause of death." There is evidence "including photographs" indicating that prior to his death, Sheikh Majid 'Abdul 'Aziz Mustafa al-Barghouti, 44 years old, was subjected to torture and ill-treatment. He might also have been a victim of medical negligence during his detention. The United Against Torture (AUT) Coalition expresses its deep concern over the sudden death of al-Barghouti, as well as his illegal detention, which is part of an ongoing wave of mass arrests and illegal detentions being carried out by the PA. The UAT Coalition strongly supports the establishment of an independent investigation committee to examine the circumstances surrounding Majid al-Barghouti's death. We also call for the mandate of the investigation committee to be expanded to include Mr. Barghouti's illegal detention, as well as the illegal detention of large numbers of other Palestinian citizens.

According to reports, Majid al-Barghouti was arrested on 14 February, eight days prior to his death. Two civilian cars with Palestinian license plates entered Koubar village, outside of Ramallah, and four masked men confronted al-Barghouti when he emerged from the local mosque, where he served as Imam. When al-Barghouti called for help, one of the men identified himself as an officer of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service and took al-Barghouti to GIS headquarters in the north of al-Bireh for interrogation. He was not brought before judicial authorities within 24 hours of his arrest, as required by Palestinian Penal Law. No visits were permitted to Majd al-Barghouti throughout his detention.

In affidavits given to both the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) and Al-Haq, a Palestinian who was arrested by the GIS at the same time as al-Barghouti alleged that al-Barghouti was violently beaten while in detention. This witness claimed that he recognized al-Barghouti's voice screaming for help from an interrogation room opposite his cell as he was being interrogated about his relationship with the Executive Force of the Palestinian Ministry of Interior in the government in Gaza. The eyewitness, who himself claimed to have been tortured while in detention, further alleged that he could see through a hole in the wall of his cell that al-Barghouti was handcuffed with an iron chain connected to the top of the window pane, which forced his body to be suspended above the ground. A PCHR field worker personally witnessed marks on al-Barghouti's hands that were consistent with having been chained and suspended for a long period of time.

According to the witness, on 21 February, he heard an interrogator offer al-Barghouti food and water, but he vomited. Through the hole in the wall, the eyewitness says he saw an officer pull al-Barghouti up, telling him to stand, and heard al-Barghotui say that he did not have the energy to stand anymore. In the afternoon, al-Barghouti was brought to the balcony and the witness could hear him groaning until about 8:30 in morning of 22 February, when he became silent. There is no indication that the GIS called a doctor to provide al-Barghouti with medical assistance, although they were legally responsible for his wellbeing.

Majid al-Barghouti was married with eight children. His family insists that he did not suffer from any heart problems prior to his detention. The evidence, which includes photographs of the victim's body, the autopsy report, indicating that "there were acute abrasions on the [victim's] forehands and his thighs and knees were discolored," and the eyewitness affidavits, all indicate that al-Barghouti was subjected to torture and/or ill-treatment during his detention by the Palestinian Authority's General Intelligence Service -- in violation of one of the most basic of all human rights: the right not to be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. Torture is prohibited at all times by both international law and Palestinian law. Torture is a crime that is subject to prosecution anywhere in the world under universal jurisdiction.

According to the Palestinian Independent Commission for Citizens' Rights (PICCR) press release of 24 February, Sheikh al-Barghouti was arrested "on grounds of his political affiliation and without the adherence of the GIS to legally binding procedures." This was not an isolated incident; PICCR points out in its press release, that there has been "a remarkable increase in the number of Palestinian detainees held in Palestinian prisons and detention centers." Sheikh al-Barghouti was not brought before competent judicial authorities as stipulated by Palestinian law. He was held under "severe living conditions" and was not provided with necessary medical treatment. He was prevented from seeing his family throughout his detention. His treatment and the conditions of his incarceration were not monitored by any authority. In fact, PICCR, the only human rights organization that has access to prisons and detention centers under the control of the Palestinian Authority, has often been denied access to the Central Detention Centers of the GIS in Ramallah and Jericho. According to its press release, PICCR has been "prevented from monitoring prison conditions and ensuring that legally binding procedures are followed." In February 2008, PICCR was denied access to the Ramallah detention center where al-Barghouti was being held. A parliamentary committee has now been formed to investigate al-Barghouti's death and the circumstances surrounding it, and PICCR has joined that committee.

In light of the above, United Against Torture calls for:

  • A thorough and independent investigation of the death of Majid al-Barghouti and the circumstances surrounding his death. Full cooperation by all relevant authorities with the parliamentary committee to enable it to properly fulfill its mandate.
  • Prosecution of anyone who was involved in subjecting Majid al-Barghouti to torture, ill-treatment or medical neglect, as well as their superiors who may have ordered or condoned such treatment. No impunity for government officials.
  • The investigation should include the legality of the procedures used to arrest and detain Sheikh al-Barghouti.
  • An immediate halt to arrests made on grounds of political affiliation and the immediate release of all current political prisoners.
  • Unrestricted and effective authority to PICCR to inspect all Palestinian detention facilities, including those managed by the GIS.
  • Facilitation of visits by human rights organizations, including the various Palestinian member organizations of UAT, to all detention centers in order to monitor detention conditions and the treatment of detainees, and to ensure that legal procedures are being complied with. Visits by detainees' lawyers and families.
  • The immediate and permanent closure of all unofficial detention centers.

Al-Quds Human Rights Clinic
Defence for Children International - Palestine Section
Gaza Community Mental Health Program
Italian Consortium of Solidarity
Mandela Institute for Political Prisoners
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel
Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture

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12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:38
Children and civilian bystanders in Gaza death toll

3 March 2008

Israeli military air strikes and artillery attacks on the Gaza Strip during the last few days have killed over 100 Palestinians, including dozens of children and other civilian bystanders. Three Israelis – a civilian killed by a rocket fired by a Palestinian armed group on 27 February and two soldiers – were also killed.

Many of the Palestinians killed were militants involved in attacks on Israel, but others were unarmed civilians taking no part in the hostilities, including some 25 children. The precise number of civilians killed is unclear and difficult to establish.

The Israeli chief of staff is reported to have claimed that 90 percent of those killed were militants, but the UN and other sources, including those in Gaza, suggest that as many as half of the dead were civilians. More than 250 other people, including scores of unarmed civilians, have been injured.

Israeli forces also destroyed houses and property across the Gaza Strip, including at least two medical facilities, before withdrawing on 3 March.

Amnesty International said on Sunday that the Israeli military air strikes and artillery attacks on the Gaza Strip were being carried out with reckless disregard for civilian life, and called on Israel to put an immediate end to such disproportionate and reckless attacks.

"Israel has a legal obligation to protect the civilian population of Gaza,” said Malcolm Smart, director of Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Programme. “These attacks are disproportionate and go beyond lawful measures which Israeli forces may take in response to rocket attacks by Palestinian armed groups."

This latest cycle of killings and destruction comes at a time when the 1.5 million inhabitants of Gaza are confronting a humanitarian crisis as a result of the increasingly stringent blockade imposed by Israel on Gaza.

Hospitals and medical facilities, already facing severe difficulties in coping with shortages of electricity, fuel, equipment and spare parts due to the Israeli blockade, are struggling to cope with the new influx of casualties caused by Israeli attacks in the last few days.

With Gaza's borders sealed, many patients in dire need of medical care that is not available in Gaza cannot be transferred to hospitals abroad and risk losing their lives.

In the past two months, Israeli forces have killed more than 230 Palestinians in Gaza, including scores of unarmed civilians, and wounded and maimed many others. During the same period, Palestinian armed groups have continued to fire qassam and other rockets indiscriminately at Israel from the Gaza Strip, mostly towards the town of Sderot but also, last week, the more distant town of Ashkelon.

One Israeli civilian has been killed and several injured by such rockets fired from Gaza into Sderot and other areas by Palestinian armed groups.

Amnesty International has again called on Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to ensure that Palestinian armed groups cease immediately from carrying out indiscriminate attacks against Israel, and for those responsible to be held to account.

"It is high time that the leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority (PA) took effective steps to prevent and punish attacks on civilians in Israel," said Malcolm Smart, "but their failure to do so does not make it legitimate for the Israeli authorities to launch reckless air and artillery strikes which wreak such death and destruction among Palestinian civilians.

"At the same time, the Palestinian armed groups who launch frequent rocket attacks from Gaza into nearby Israeli towns not only show a callous disregard for the lives of Israeli civilians but also expose the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip to the danger of Israeli attacks."

Malcolm Smart said that Amnesty International condemned all attacks on civilians, but that "unlawful attacks by one side cannot justify violations by the other."

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) continued their military operations in the Gaza Strip. Over the past 24 hours, IOF carried out several air raids against civilian targets and resistance fighters. As a result, 8 Palestinians were killed. Two of the victims were unarmed civilians, one of them a child. With yesterday’s victims the tally since Wednesday, 27 February, till time of publication soars to 108 victims killed, including 54 unarmed civilians. The civilians killed included 26 children and 5 women. In addition, dozens were injured, many of them still in serious condition.

PCHR’s investigations indicates that IOF have use excessive and disproportionate lethal force during aerial and land operations against populated areas and civilian installations. The use of force disregarded the threat to civilian lives, causing many direct civilian casualties inside homes. In addition, IOF intentionally obstructed the work of medical crews. Many of the victims died bleeding to death in front of their family members. In addition, IOF directly targeted medical crews, killing a paramedic and seriously injuring another in Jabalia. Ambulances sustained damages as well.

The Center’s preliminary investigation indicates that at approximately 4:00 on Monday, 3 March, IOF redeployed their forces outside of the town of Jabalia and its vicinity after 4 days of military operations in the area. IOF troops withdrew outside the borders of the Gaza Strip. During the last few hours of the operation, IOF killed 4 Palestinians, 2 of them civilians (one a child). At approximately 1:45, an IOF artillery shell targeted a group of children at Zimmo intersection near the Palestinian Red Crescent Society building. Two people were killed, and a third was seriously injured. The victims killed are:

1.   Mahmoud Abd El-Khaliq Abu Ateyya (18-years old)

2.   Abd El-Rahman Mohammad Saleh (17-years old)

The injured child is Abd El-Hadi Ibrahim El-Debes (17).

At approximately 21:00 on Sunday, 2 March, an IOF plane fire a rocket at a group of resistance members in Sikka Street east of Jabalia refugee camp. Two of them were killed:

1.   Naim Abu El-Hosna (45-years old)

2.   Ra’id J’neid (22-years old) In addition, the body of a paramedic, Mahmoud Suliman Zaqout (23-years old), was found after the IOF redeployment. He was a paramedic in the Civilian Defense Corps who has been missing for 2 days. As a result, the number of victims during the operation in Jabalia reached 61 killed. These include 33 unarmed civilians, including 20 children, 2 women, and a paramedic. The civilian victims included an infant girl, two small sisters, a father and son, a brother and sister, and three children from the same family.

From 00:00 till 1:00 on 3 March IOF warplanes carried out 3 raids on metal workshops in Jabalia refugee camp, Tal El-Za’tar housing project near Jabalia, and Beit Hanoun. PCHR’s fieldworkers that extensive damage was caused to the town’s infrastructure and to tens of houses and to agricultural fields. PCHR’s fieldworkers are in the town to document these crimes and assess the damage.

At approximately 1:12, and IOF warplane dropped a bomb on the office of the pro-Hamas “Change and Reform” parliamentary bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council in Khan Yunis. The office was located in the second floor of a multi-story residential building, El-Farra Building, in Khan Yunis. Extensive damage was caused in the area.

At approximately 1:20, and IOF warplane dropped 3 bombs at a metal workshop in Abu Bakr El-Siddiq Street in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. The workshop was completely destroyed; and a nearby workshop was extensively damaged. In addition, a warehouse for the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, a shop, and several houses suffered extensive damages.

At approximately 1:30, and IOF warplane attacked a group of resistance members east of Sheja’eya Quarter in Gaza City. Two of them were instantly killed. Two others and a woman were injured. The victims killed are:

1.   Ramzi Fathi Khweiter (20-years old)

2.   Abd El-Fattah Mohammad Abd El-Aal (24-years old).

At approximately 2:20, and IOF warplane attacked a Naval Police Compound west of Nuseirat refugee camp with 3 rockets. One Naval Police member was killed and another was seriously injured. The killed victims is Darwish Adel Meqdad (34-years old).

At approximately 2:40, and IOF war plane fired a rocket at a member of the resistance near Baker Building in the port area west of Gaza City. He was killed instantly. He was identified as Ibrahim Sayyed El-Masri (20-years old). In addition, IOF warplanes conducted 2 raids against a house belonging to members of Ahel clan in Beach Camp and a metal workshop in Sahaba Street east of Gaza City. Both targets were destroyed. The Ahel house was targeted two days earlier with an air raid after the house owner was killed by IOF several hours prior to that.


PCHR reiterates its condemnation of these serious crimes, and:

  1. Affirms that these crimes are a continuation of Israeli war crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) in general and the Gaza Strip in particular. These crimes are indicative of IOF disregard for civilian Palestinian lives.
  2. Reiterates the warning over the escalation crimes against civilians in light of the statements and threats by Israeli political and military leaders, which threaten to cause additional civilian casualties.
  3. Calls upon the High Contracting Parties (HCP) of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) to fulfill their legal obligation under Article 1 of the Convention and ensure that it is respected by all parties under any circumstances. The Centre calls upon the HCP to fulfill their obligations under Article 146 of the Convention to pursue persons suspected of perpetrating grave violations of the Convention, which are defined as war crimes under Article 147 of the Convention.


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