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  • : sionazisme
  • : Tout Juif qui se respecte, religieux ou séculier, ne peut plus garder le silence, voir pire, soutenir le régime sioniste, et ses crimes de génocide perpétrés contre le peuple palestinien...La secte sioniste est à l’opposé du Judaïsme. .................... Mensonge, désinformation, agression, violence et désobéissance de la loi internationale sont aujourd’hui les principales caractéristiques du sionisme israélien en Palestine.
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Israèl est contre TORAH

*"Les sionistes me dégoûtent autant que les nazis."
(Victor Klemperer, philologue allemand d'origine juive, 1881-1960)








L’initiative sioniste de proclamer l’État d’Israël constitue une révolte contre la volonté divine, contre la Torah, une révolte qui a engendré une vague interminable de violence et de souffrance. À l’occasion de la fondation de l’État hérétique, les juifs fidèles à la Torah pleurent cette tentative d’extirper les enseignements de la Torah, de transformer les juifs en une « nation laïque » et de réduire le judaïsme au nationalisme.......Nous déplorons les tragédies que la révolution sioniste a provoquées chez les Palestiniens, notamment des déportations, l’oppression et la subjugation..Que nous méritions que cette année toutes les nations, en acceptant la souverainet

é divine, puissent se réjouir dans une Palestine libre et dans une Jérusalem libre! Amen. Offert par Netouré Karta International : www.nkusa.orglink




Ecrivez nous au ; noesam@voila.fr
visitez    http://www.planetenonviolence.org/link




La prétendue ascendance juive d'Hitler: Une "explication" par la haine de soi
Une publication parue cette semaine a attiré mon attention. Il s’agit ni plus ni moins de la généalogie d’Adolf Hitler qui aurait des ascendants juifs !! Dans son article, Gilles Bonafi présente une fiche des Renseignements généraux que le magazine Sciences et Avenir a publié en mars 2009, et où on peut clairement lire le deuxième prénom d’Hitler : Jacob. Adolf Jacob Hitler serait le petit-fils de Salomon Mayer Rothschild. Cette information a été divulguée par deux sources de très haut niveau : Hansjurgen Koehler officier d’Heydrich, qui était lui-même l’adjoint direct d’Heinrich Himmler et Walter Langer le psychiatre qui a réalisé le profil psychologique d’Hitler pour l’OSS, les services secrets US pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
SOURCE ;alterinfo


12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:54
Envoyé : 21/01/2006 21:04

Click here to sign the call now.

Women are mobilizing women around the globe to call for an end to the occupation and the violence in Iraq. With the majority of people in Iraq, the U.S., the U.K., and around the world opposing this war, now is the time for women to step forward and make our opposition more visible and vocal.

With the launch of Women Say No To War Campaign, we are asking women around the world to sign on to the Women’s Call for Peace. We hope to obtain a minimum of 100,000 signatures by International Women's Day on March 8, 2006, when US and Iraqi women will deliver these signatures to leaders in Washington DC and women around the world will deliver them to US embassies.

Women's Call for Peace: An Urgent Appeal

We, the women of the United States, Iraq and women worldwide, have had enough of the senseless war in Iraq and the cruel attacks on civilians around the world. We've buried too many of our loved ones. We've seen too many lives crippled forever by physical and mental wounds. We've watched in horror as our precious resources are poured into war while our families' basic needs of food, shelter, education and healthcare go unmet. We've had enough of living in constant fear of violence and seeing the growing cancer of hatred and intolerance seep into our homes and communities.

This is not the world we want for ourselves or our children. With fire in our bellies and love in our hearts, we women are rising up - across borders - to unite and demand an end to the bloodshed and the destruction.

We have seen how the foreign occupation of Iraq has fueled an armed movement against it, perpetuating an endless cycle of violence. We are convinced that it is time to shift from a military model to a conflict-resolution model that includes the following elements:

  • The withdrawal of all foreign troops and foreign fighters from Iraq;
  • Negotiations to reincorporate disenfranchised Iraqis into all aspects of Iraqi society;
  • The full representation of women in the peacemaking process and a commitment to women's full equality in the post-war Iraq;
  • A commitment to discard plans for any foreign bases in Iraq;
  • Iraqi control of its oil and other resources;
  • The nullification of privatization and deregulation laws imposed under occupation, allowing Iraqis to shape the trajectory of the post-war economy;
  • A massive reconstruction effort that prioritizes Iraqi contractors, and draws upon financial resources of the countries responsible for the invasion and occupation of Iraq;
  • Consideration of a temporary international peacekeeping force that is truly multilateral and is not composed of any troops from countries that participated in the occupation.

To move this peace process forward, we are creating a massive movement of women - crossing generations, races, ethnicities, religions, borders and political persuasions. Together, we will pressure our governments, the United Nations, the Arab League, Nobel Peace Prize winners, religious leaders and others in the international community to step forward to help negotiate a political settlement. And in this era of divisive fundamentalisms, we call upon world leaders to join us in spreading the fundamental values of love for the human family and for our precious planet.

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