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  • : sionazisme
  • : Tout Juif qui se respecte, religieux ou séculier, ne peut plus garder le silence, voir pire, soutenir le régime sioniste, et ses crimes de génocide perpétrés contre le peuple palestinien...La secte sioniste est à l’opposé du Judaïsme. .................... Mensonge, désinformation, agression, violence et désobéissance de la loi internationale sont aujourd’hui les principales caractéristiques du sionisme israélien en Palestine.
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Israèl est contre TORAH

*"Les sionistes me dégoûtent autant que les nazis."
(Victor Klemperer, philologue allemand d'origine juive, 1881-1960)








L’initiative sioniste de proclamer l’État d’Israël constitue une révolte contre la volonté divine, contre la Torah, une révolte qui a engendré une vague interminable de violence et de souffrance. À l’occasion de la fondation de l’État hérétique, les juifs fidèles à la Torah pleurent cette tentative d’extirper les enseignements de la Torah, de transformer les juifs en une « nation laïque » et de réduire le judaïsme au nationalisme.......Nous déplorons les tragédies que la révolution sioniste a provoquées chez les Palestiniens, notamment des déportations, l’oppression et la subjugation..Que nous méritions que cette année toutes les nations, en acceptant la souverainet

é divine, puissent se réjouir dans une Palestine libre et dans une Jérusalem libre! Amen. Offert par Netouré Karta International : www.nkusa.orglink




Ecrivez nous au ; noesam@voila.fr
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La prétendue ascendance juive d'Hitler: Une "explication" par la haine de soi
Une publication parue cette semaine a attiré mon attention. Il s’agit ni plus ni moins de la généalogie d’Adolf Hitler qui aurait des ascendants juifs !! Dans son article, Gilles Bonafi présente une fiche des Renseignements généraux que le magazine Sciences et Avenir a publié en mars 2009, et où on peut clairement lire le deuxième prénom d’Hitler : Jacob. Adolf Jacob Hitler serait le petit-fils de Salomon Mayer Rothschild. Cette information a été divulguée par deux sources de très haut niveau : Hansjurgen Koehler officier d’Heydrich, qui était lui-même l’adjoint direct d’Heinrich Himmler et Walter Langer le psychiatre qui a réalisé le profil psychologique d’Hitler pour l’OSS, les services secrets US pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
SOURCE ;alterinfo


12 janvier 2009 1 12 /01 /janvier /2009 17:41
 toutes les organisations non-gouvernementales de divers pays du monde et des responsables de l'onu ont affirmé que israél/nazi est criminel de guerre /crimes contre l'humanité et même on reclame de juger les criminels
Empire Has No Heart                          
8/7/2006 8:00:00 PM GMT
The Israeli army, with the financial and military support of the United States of America, has deliberately bombed civilians in Lebanon and almost all of its attacks constitute war crimes, U.S.-based rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated recently

In the wake of current developments and hard times facing the Middle East region, with Israel engaged in two brutal offensives in the Palestinian and Lebanese territories, an editorial on Jordan's Arabic-language Ad Dustour, describes how downtrodden and abused the Muslim Ummah or nation feels, as a result of the barbaric policies of both, Israel and its God father the United States.

In Ad Dustour editorial, the author refers to the U.S. as an empire that has no heart, an empire that instead of spreading democracy, created chaos across the world in general and the Middle East and the Arab world in particular.

He described the U.S. as a country of iron and fire that has no heart, while referring to the Jewish State as a monstrous country, and also "a country that has no heart".

Like he called the U.S. and Israel countries with no hearts, the author also described the destruction inflicted upon the ruined Maroun al-Ras and Bint Jubayl and Ayta al-Sha'b as a result of the brutal Israeli strikes and indiscriminate bombings, as “with no heart”.

“Cockroaches moving around our streets and destroyed roadways, and the embers of fire raining down on the buildings have no hearts,” he said.

Human Rights Watch said Israel's claim that Hezbollah fighters are hiding among Lebanese civilians did not justify its "systematic failure" to distinguish between civilians and fighters.

Some news reports say that over 600 Lebanese have died since Israel started bombing Lebanon, but some officials say that over 900, mostly civilians, were killed.

The mounting civilian death toll has fuelled the Arabs and some Western States' outcry against Israel's tactics in the four-week-old war.

"In some instances, Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted civilians," HRW said in a statement issued Thursday.

"The failures cannot be dismissed as mere accidents and cannot be blamed on wrongful Hezbollah practices. In some cases, these attacks constitute war crimes."

“Bush has no heart; Ehud Olmert has no heart; Condoleezza Rice has no heart. The United Nations has no heart; the Security Council has no heart; the European Union has no heart; The countries of the first, second and third worlds: have no hearts,” the author further stated.

The condemnation of some Arab leaders and humanitarian organisations didn’t strop the mad Israeli war machine from destroying beautiful Lebanon, killing innocent children and crushing the bones of women.

The Qana massacres in 1996 and 2006 are only examples of Israel’s history of heinous crimes: Dair Yassin, Tantura, al-Duwaima, Qibya, Nahalin, Kafr Qasim.

A swift action is needed now before the crisis spreads to swallow the entire Middle East region. The arrogance of the U.S., which continues to oppose calls for an immediate ceasefire at the UN, and Israel's crimes must come to an end, a global condemnation over the Israeli atrocities in Lebanon and Palestine is needed now and a “clear” UN resolution needs to be submitted to prevent future scenarios.

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